Rules and Regulations of the 22nd Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival

  1. General Provisions
    1. The following Rules and Regulations apply to the 22nd Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival hereinafter referred to as the “Event” organised by Against Gravity Sp. z o.o. with its registered office at ul. Bukowińska 26C / 12, 02-703 Warszawa, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the KRS number 0000199919, NIP: 5262757178, REGON: 015682568.
    2. The Rules and Regulations are addressed to all persons wishing to take part in the Event and who are its Participants. Each Participant is obliged to comply with the provisions of these Rules and Regulations.
    3. The Event will take place from 9 to 18 May 2025 at designated venues in Warsaw, Wrocław, Gdynia, Katowice, Poznań, Bydgoszcz and Łódź.
    4. The Rules and Regulations define the rights and obligations of the Organizer, the requirements for participation and the rules of behaviour of the Event's participants, including in particular the provisions regulating the terms and conditions of participation in the Event, the way the Event is organised, the obligations of the Event's participants, the requirements for participation in the Event, the rights of the Event's participants; the rules of liability of the Event's participants in case of non-compliance with the Rules and Regulations.

2. Defitinitons

The following terminology used in the Rules and Regulations will have the below meanings:

  1. Accreditation – a badge for the Warsaw Edition of the Festival issued against payment with the name, surname, name of the company/institution and a photo of the Participant granting the right to participate in the Warsaw Edition of the Festival. Accreditations are only granted to professionally active journalists with significant media coverage who will be covering the Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival (Media Accreditation) or persons whose professional activity is related to film (Industry Accreditation).
  2. Ticket a paper or electronic document issued by a cinema participating in the Warsaw Edition of the Festival against payment. The Ticket entitles the holder to attend a Screening and specifies the title, date and time of the Screening. If an accompanying Event is also organised in a given Cinema, the purchased ticket entitles the holder to participate in such an event. Ticket prices at participating Cinemas are available at [].
  3. Special Event Ticket – a personalised paper or electronic document issued by the Organiser entitling the holder to participate in a Special Event, specifying the name, date and time of the Special Event.
  4. Festival Centre – a service point for Participants located in cinemas where the Event is organised. Entrance Tickets can be collected at Festival Centres of the Warsaw Edition of the Festival. 
  5. Document – a Ticket, a Pass or an Entrance Ticket. 
  6. Badge – an Accreditation or a Pass.
  7. Event – the 22nd edition of the Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival, organised from 9 to 18 May 2025 in designated venues in Warsaw, Wrocław, Gdynia, Katowice, Poznań, Bydgoszcz and Łódź featuring Screenings and Accompanying Events.
  8. Pass – a badge for the Warsaw edition of the Festival issued against payment, with the name and photo of the Participant, entitling the Participant to attend the Warsaw edition of the Festival only. 
  9. Cinema Pass a paper or electronic document issued by selected cinemas against payment entitling the holder to receive a fixed number of Tickets for the festival screenings.
  10. Payment system operator – PayU services, based in Poznań, 60-166 Poznań, at ul. Grunwaldzka 186, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court in Poznań - Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000274399, holding tax identification number NIP 7792308495. 
  11. Organiser – organiser of the Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival – Against Gravity Sp. z o.o. with its registered office at ul. Bukowińska 26C / 12, 02-703 Warszawa, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the KRS number 0000199919, NIP: 5262757178, REGON: 015682568.
  12. User Panel – an account requiring registration on the website, which enables the booking of screenings for the Warsaw Edition of the Festival, which is equivalent to receiving an Entrance Ticket for the screening.
  13. Screening – a screening of an audiovisual work – a film – on any medium, preceded by the screening of other, additional audiovisual information and advertising materials. 
  14. Participant – a person taking part in the Event. A Participant is only a person who holds a valid Pass, Accreditation, Ticket, Special Event Ticket or other document issued by the Organiser. 
  15. The Warsaw Edition of the Festival – an event taking place on sites and venues located exclusively in Warsaw.
  16. Entrance Ticket admission document for film screenings organised as part of the Warsaw Edition of the Festival. Entrance Tickets are issued to holders of Accreditations or Passes. Entrance Tickets can be collected upon presenting Badges (Passes or Accreditation) in the Festival Centres or booked online at, which is equivalent to receiving an Entrance Ticket for a given screening.
  17. Special Event – an exclusive part of the Event, intended only for persons holding a Special Event Ticket. In particular, Special Events are considered to be: the Opening Gala and the Awards Gala, the masterclasses at the Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival as well as concerts. 
  18. Accompanying Event – a part of the Event, other than the Screening, which is offered as part of the Event. A Document or a Badge is required to participate in a Special Event. An Accompanying Event includes, but is not limited to, a photo exhibition or other artistic events that are not considered a Special Event. 

3. Common Provisions Concerning the Conduct and Organisation of the Event 

  1. The right of admission to the Event is granted to the Participant.
  2. Admission and participation in a Screening or Accompanying Event is subject to the presentation of a Document only, and the Document entitles the holder to enter only the particular Screening for which it was issued. 
  3. Tickets and Cinema Passes will only be sold in cinemas participating in the Warsaw Edition of the Festival. Tickets will be sold in each of these cinemas. Cinema Passes will also be offered for purchase in some of the cinemas. 
  4. A purchased Ticket is valid only for the Screenings and Accompanying Events organised in the cinema which issued the Ticket.
  5. A Document entitles the holder to a single admission to a particular Screening only.
  6. Participants are required to arrive on time for the Screenings held as part of the Event.
  7. Entering the venue where the Event is taking place is equivalent to the Participant's acceptance of the Rules and Regulations of the Event, as well as an obligation to comply with the Rules and Regulations of the cinema or the venue where the Event is taking place.
  8. Participants who are minors under 16 years of age may enter the Event's venue only when accompanied by another Participant who is the minor's parent or guardian. Parents or legal guardians / legal representatives are responsible for minors staying at the Event's venue or participating in a Screening or an Accompanying Event, including financial responsibility, in accordance with applicable laws.
  9. Age restrictions placed by the distributor next to film titles are for information purposes only and constitute the distributor's recommendation. In the event that a film contains e.g. erotic, vulgar or violent scenes, the Organiser shall have the right to refuse entry to the Screening to persons not meeting the age criteria recommended by the distributor. In case of certain Screenings, the Organiser reserves the right to check the age of the Participants and to require minors to have and present the consent of their legal guardians / legal representatives.
  10. A Participant in possession of a Pass or Accreditation is obliged to put on this Badge before entering the event area. The Badge may only be used by the person for whom it was issued and it is forbidden to transfer or lend the Badge.
  11. Damaged, torn, lost or stolen Documents, Accreditations and Passes are invalid. 
  12. Documents, Accreditations and Passes damaged due to the fault of the Participant are invalid and cannot be exchanged or replaced.
  13. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel the Documents and not to allow the Participant to enter the venue after the maximum number of people allowed to attend an Accompanying Event or a Screening has been exceeded. In such a case, the Participant is entitled to a refund of the Ticket value.
  14. Resale of the Documents at auction or by any other means is prohibited.
  15. By attending the Event, the Participant agrees to the free-of-charge use of their image for the needs of television and photographic production as well as in the recordings made during the Event, to be used and made available commercially or non-commercially, on all kinds of carriers, for the purposes of, among others, broadcasting the Event, promoting the Festival and the Organiser's statutory activity.

4. Safety of the Event, Conditions and Restrictions Applicable to the Event

  1. The Organizer and the Cinemas or other entities administering the venues where the Event takes place are responsible for the safety of the Event at the venue and during its duration. The list of venues where the Event is organised is available at 
  2. It is forbidden for the Participant to enter any area which is closed to the Participants or where access is forbidden or intended only for the Organiser's staff or cinema staff.
  3. In cases justified by the need to ensure the safety of the Participants, other persons present in the Event area and the Organiser's and cinema staff, and in order to verify the observance of the ban on bringing the objects described in the points below into the Event area, the Organiser's and cinema staff (including the security staff) is authorised to ask the persons entering or staying in the cinema area to voluntarily show the contents of their bags, backpacks, clothing pockets, etc. Any person refusing the request may be asked to leave the Event.

In the Event area the following is prohibited:

  1. Smoking cigarettes and the use of electronic cigarettes and devices and objects with the same or similar function or effect in areas not designated for this purpose.
  2. Carrying, possessing and using intoxicants.
  3. Consuming food purchased outside the Cinema and bring in articles that may hinder other Customers from attending a Screening.
  4. Carrying and/or consuming alcoholic beverages purchased outside the Cinema.
  5. Entering with animals, with the exception of guide dogs for the blind and partially sighted.
  6. Damaging of property.
  7. Offensive, rude and disrespectful behaviour, including loud behaviour disturbing the experience of a Screening or an Event.
  8. Inappropriate behaviour that may violate good manners.
  9. Carrying dangerous objects and substances that may endanger the health or safety of others.
  10. Selling and/or transferring Badges and Entrance Tickets to other persons.
  11. Carrying out any commercial or service activities, marketing activities, charitable activities, etc. (the Organiser's absolute consent is required for this purpose).


Entry to the Event is forbidden to anyone:

  1. against whom a decision banning entry to the Event has been issued;
  2. preaching or displaying obscene, vulgar, offensive, racist, etc. slogans, symbols and/or content, as well as propaganda materials of a racist, xenophobic, political or religious nature;
  3. under the visible influence of alcohol, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or other similar agents;
  4. behaving aggressively, provocatively or in any other way posing a threat to public safety or order;
  5. using an open flame;
  6. carrying pyrotechnic materials, aerosol gas, flammable substances;
  7. smoking tobacco or e-cigarettes outside designated areas;
  8. possessing weapons or other dangerous objects, materials, products, beverages, agents or substances;
  9. behaving aggressively, provocatively or in any other manner posing a threat to the safety or order of the Event or disturbing other Participants in the Screening or Events. 
  10. under 16 years of age, not being under the care of an adult.

The Organiser reserves the right to:

  1. Make changes relating to the course of the Event in circumstances for which they are not responsible, including the cancellation of the Event for a valid reason.
  2. Verify and validate one's authorisation to take part in the Event, and in the event that such authorisation is found to be lacking, to request the person to leave the Event and to take measures to enforce the content of the request.
  3. Check the ID of persons in order to establish their identity.
  4. Inspect the contents of a person's bagse and clothing in the event of suspicion that a person is carrying or possessing prohibited items referred to in the Rules and Regulations.
  5. Check the state of sobriety of Participants in the event of a justified suspicion in this respect.
  6. Expel from the area of the Event persons who do not comply with the Rules and Regulations and, in particular, with the rules specified in item. 4 of the Rules and Regulations

5. Special Rules valid for the Warsaw Edition of the Festival

  1. In order to participate in the Warsaw Edition of the Festival, it is necessary to purchase a Pass or Accreditation from the Organiser in accordance with the rules described in points 6 and 7 of the Rules and Regulations, and participation in the Screening takes place after collecting the Entrance Ticket in accordance with the rules described in point 8 of the Rules and Regulations.

6. Rules and Procedure for the Purchase of Passes and Accreditations for the Warsaw Edition of the Festival 

  1. The sale of Passes and Accreditations lasts until 30 April 2025 or until the pool of Passes or Accreditations is exhausted. 
  2. Passes are sold for PLN 300. 
  3. Accreditations are sold for PLN 220.
  4. The Organiser reserves the right to terminate the sale of Passes and Accreditation at any time without giving any reason.
  5. Purchasing Passes and Accreditations is only possible for adults through the Organiser. 
    1. In order to purchase a Pass, the Organiser will make a purchase form available at
    2. In order to purchase an Accreditation, the Organiser will make a purchase form available at
  6. The Organiser grants accreditations at its sole discretion. Accreditations may be obtained by:
    1. professionally active journalists with significant media reach who will be covering the Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival or, 
    2. persons whose professional activity is connected with cinematography.


In order to purchase a Pass or an Accreditation on the Organiser's website, it is necessary to:

  1. Fill in all required data on the registration form found on the Organiser's website at: In particular, providing data including first and last name as well as uploading a photo, and in case of Accreditation, additionally providing data concerning the subject of one's professional activity and selecting the appropriate type of Accreditation (INDUSTRY or MEDIA).
  2. Accept the required documents, consents and rules and regulations necessary for the completion of the order.
  3. Make the payment, which must be completed immediately after placing the purchase order using electronic payment via the Payment System Operator. Unpaid orders will be automatically cancelled. 
    1. The use of bots or other automated ICT tools that allow data entry without human intervention is prohibited. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel any Passes or Accreditations purchased using unauthorised tools.
    2. Once the registration form has been successfully filled in and submitted, it is not possible to change the data entered. The person filling in the form is obliged to fill it in properly and to be particularly careful. The person filling in the form is responsible for any mistakes/errors/inaccuracies in the data entered in the form, and the Organiser is not responsible for mistakes/errors/inaccuracies entered in the registration form.    
    3. The photo attached to the registration form should meet the requirements that are the same or as close as possible to the photos included in the identity documents, i.e. it should be up-to-date, the person in the photo should not have a head covering, glasses with dark lenses or other things that make it difficult to recognise the person, the photo should show the whole head (from its top) and the upper part of the shoulders, and the face should take up 70-80% of the photo. The photo should not exceed 2 MB, and should meet a minimum size of 400x400 pixels, in PNG, GIF or JPG format. 
    4. The photo will be printed on the holder's Pass or Accreditation and will be used to identify the holder in order to prevent any misuse as well as to ensure the proper organisation and security of the Festival. All Passes must include a clear and up-to-date photograph of the Participant's face, an inappropriate or outdated photograph may result in refusal of participation in the Festival. Submitting an inappropriate photo may delay the issue of the Pass or result in the refusal of participation in the Festival, for which the Organiser is not responsible. 
    5. The purchase of the Pass will be confirmed by email within four days of the payment being credited. A confirmation of the registration of the form as well as of the payment will be sent to the e-mail address associated with the account. The Organiser will also send a pdf. file, which will be the basis for issuing the Pass at the Festival Centre in Kinoteka.
    6. The Organiser will inform about the granting or refusal of Accreditation by sending a message to the e-mail address provided in the application form no later than 30 April 2025. 
      1. In case of a successful application, the Organiser will send a pdf. file which will serve as the basis for issuing the Accreditation at the Festival Centre in Kinoteka.
      2. If the Accreditation is refused, the purchase amount will be refunded within 7 days from the date of refusal using the payment method used to purchase it.

7. Procedure for the collection of Passes and Accreditations for the Warsaw Edition of the Festival 

  1. After purchasing a Pass or Accreditation and receiving a pdf file entitling the holder to collect the Festival Pass, the Pass should be collected at the Festival Centre located in Kinoteka (Pałac Kultury i Nauki, Plac Defilad 1, 00-901 Warszawa). 
  2. The Badges can be collected from 8 May 2025 from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (the day preceding the start of the Festival) until 18 May 2024 (the date of the end of the Warsaw Edition of the Festival). 
  3. The purchased Pass may be collected only by the person in whose name the Pass was purchased upon presenting an identity card or other document with a photograph, by their proxy, or by a person holding a confirmation of the Pass purchase.

8. Rules of Participation in Screenings organised as part of the Warsaw Edition of the Festival

  1. Participants in possession of a Badge are entitled to collect or book Entrance Tickets for Screenings. 
  2. Panel at, which is equivalent to collecting an Entrance Ticket for a given Screening. 
  3. Entrance Tickets can be collected in Festival Centres or booked online only for Screenings on a given day and the following day - it is not possible to collect or book Entrance Tickets for subsequent days. 
  4. The pool of Entrance Tickets for individual screenings for Badge holders is limited and independent of the pool of tickets sold at cinema box offices. Not receiving an Entrance Ticket due to the fact that their pool has been exhausted does not necessarily mean that the Participant will not be able to see the film at another time, as the films will be presented several times during the Festival.
  5. The Festival Centres in each cinema of the Warsaw Festival Edition open one hour before the first screening and close 15 minutes after the start of the last screening. Every day and for each Festival cinema, the opening hours of the Festival Centres are ̨different depending on the programme.
  6. One Entrance Ticket to a particular Screening is granted per Badge.


  1. In case of an online Entrance Ticket booking in the User Panel, the issued Badge represents an Entrance Ticket for the booked Screening. 
  2. It is not possible to book an Entrance Ticket for a Screening that is already in progress.
  3. A Entrance Ticket can be cancelled on the website up to 30 minutes before the start of a Screening. After this time, it is no longer possible. 
  4. The account of a User who does not cancel the Entrance Ticket twice and does not show up at the screening will be blocked for 24 hours and all bookings in this period will be automatically cancelled.
  5. It is not possible to obtain an Entrance Ticket or to book an Entrance Ticket for two screenings that overlap in time in the User Panel or in any of the Festival Centres.
  6. The Badge can only be used by a particular Participant whose personal details match those on the Badge. The Badge shall not be transferred or lent to any other person, nor shall it be used to obtain Entrance Tickets or benefits for any other person.
  7. The Badge does not grant access to Special Events, including the Opening Gala and the Award Ceremony as well as concerts and masterclasses of the 22nd Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival. Special Events require the purchase of a Special Events Ticket. 
  8. Badges may be verified during the Festival to ensure that the data on the Pass corresponds with the holder's data. The Badge holder is required to present an identity document for data verification. In case the data on the Pass differs from the holder's data, the Organiser has the right to refuse entry to the Festival and retain the Pass.  
  9. The Badgese are valid for the Warsaw Edition of the Festival only, and thus do not authorise the holder to participate in the Event in other cities, nor to collect tickets for Screenings organised outside cinemas in Warsaw. Passes are not valid in other Festival cities.


9. Rules and Procedure for the Purchase Special Event Tickets

  1. Special Event Tickets are sold through the Organiser's website. 
  2. The cost of the Ticket depends on the rank of the Special Event. Information about the Special Event as well as the price of the Special Event Ticket will be posted on the Organiser's website at [].  
  3. The Organiser reserves the right to end the sale of Special Event Tickets at any time without giving any reason.
  4. The purchase of a Special Event Ticket is only possible for adults through the Organiser on the website.
  5. In order to purchase a Special Event Ticket on the Organiser's website, it is necessary to:
    1. Fill in all required data on the registration form found on the Organiser's website at: In particular, providing data including first and last name. 
    2. Accept the required documents, consents and rules and regulations necessary for the completion of the order.
    3. Make the payment, which must be completed immediately after placing the purchase order using electronic payment via the Payment System Operator. Unpaid orders will be automatically cancelled. 
  6. The use of bots or other automated ICT tools that allow data entry without human intervention is prohibited. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel any Passes or Accreditations purchased using unauthorised tools.
  7. Once the registration form has been successfully filled in and submitted, it is not possible to change the data entered. The person filling in the form is obliged to fill it in properly and to be particularly careful. The person filling in the form is responsible for any mistakes/errors/inaccuracies in the data entered in the form, and the Organiser is not responsible for mistakes/errors/inaccuracies entered in the registration form.    
  8. The purchase of the Special Event Ticket will be confirmed by email within four days of the payment being credited. A confirmation of the registration of the form as well as of the payment will be sent to the e-mail address associated with the account. The Organiser will also send the Special Event Ticket in a pdf. file.
  9. A Special Event Ticket authorises entry to a specific Special Event only to the person in whose name the Special Event Ticket was purchased.  The resale of Special Event Tickets at auctions, bidding or by any other means is prohibited.

10. Cancellation, Rescheduling of the Event and Refunds of Purchased Passes, Accreditations, Tickets and Special Event Tickets 

  1. The Organiser does not accept any returns of purchased Passes, Accreditations, Tickets and Special Event Tickets, except for the case of cancellation or rescheduling of the Festival, and in case of Special Event Ticket also in case of cancellation or rescheduling of a Special Event.
  2. In case of a cancelled Screening, the Participant holding a Ticket for the cancelled Screening is obliged to return the Ticket at the cinema where the Ticket was purchased.
  3. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel or change the date and programme of the Festival for important reasons, such as the declaration of national mourning, restrictions related to the epidemiological situation or any other reason beyond the Organiser's control which makes it impossible to hold the Festival in its current form; ss well as when the aforementioned changes are caused by the necessity to ensure safety, health or life of people or property or the necessity to ensure undisturbed and comfortable course of the Festival. 
  4. In the aforementioned cases, the Organiser will inform the Participants who purchased Entrance Tickets, Accreditations or Special Event Tickets, by e-mail messages sent to the addresses provided in the process of purchasing a Pass or Special Event Ticket. Any changes will also be communicated to all Participants on the Organiser's website and social media.
  5. The Organiser informs that, in accordance with Article 38(12) of the Act of 30 May 2014 on Consumer Rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827 as amended), it is not possible to return Badges, Tickets or Special Event Tickets except in the special cases described below: 
    1. In the event of cancellation of the Festival, the cost of purchasing a Festival Pass or Special Event Ticket will be refunded within 14 days via the payment method used by the Participant when purchasing the Pass or Special Event Ticket.
    2. In case of rescheduling of the Festival or a Special Event, the Participant has the right to return the Badge or Special Event Ticket no later than 24 hours before the new date of the Festival or Special Event. If, due to a change of date of the Festival or Special Event, the Participant decides to cancel, a refund of the purchase amount paid by the Participant shall be made on the same terms and conditions as in case of cancellation of the Festival provided that, in such a case, the refund periods shall run from the date of the Participant's notice of cancellation to the Organiser. 
    3. In case of cancelling of a Screening, the Participant holding a Ticket for the cancelled Screening is obliged to return the Ticket at the cinema where they purchased the Ticket.
    4. In case of rescheduling of the Event, the Badges which were purchased before the new date of the Event was announced will remain valid at the new date or can also be returned at the discretion of the holder.
    5. In case of a rescheduling of a Special Event, Special Event Tickets that were purchased before the announcement of the new date of the Special Event will remain valid for the new date, or can also be returned at the discretion of the holder.


11. Complaints

  1. All Participants are entitled to make a complaint.
  2. Complaints must be submitted to the following e-mail address: The complaint should include contact details, name and surname, e-mail address and a description of the reason for the complaint.
  3. The Organiser will review the complaint and inform of its decision within 14 days of receiving the complaint submission. The response will be sent electronically to the e-mail address indicated in the complaint submission. The Organiser reserves the right to extend the aforementioned deadline by no more than 10 days in the event that the processing of the complaint requires extraordinary, special measures and arrangements or encounters obstacles beyond the Organiser's control (equipment or Internet network malfunctions, etc.).
  4. If it is necessary for the complaint to be processed, the Organiser shall immediately call the person submitting the complaint to provide additional information, specifying the deadline, no shorter than 7 days, and the scope of such additional information, and instructing that if the complaint is not completed within the specified deadline, the complaint shall not be processed. Upon ineffective expiry of the specified time limit, the complaint shall be left unprocessed.
  5. Complaints regarding the purchase of food and other products made at the Facilities as well as at the Cinemas where the Event takes place must be made directly to these entities.


12. Processing of Personal Data

  1. Personal data provided to the Organiser will be processed in accordance with applicable laws and in accordance with the Organiser's privacy policy available at: and The provisions of the Privacy Policy are an integral part of the Rules and Regulations.
  2. The Organiser has the right to collect personal data in accordance with the law also in cases where it is necessary to protect an interest that is vital to the life of the data subject, e.g. where processing is needed for humanitarian purposes including monitoring epidemics and their spread.
  3. The participant taking part in the Event agrees to the processing of the personal data they have provided including their name, contact telephone and email address. 
  4. At the same time, by taking part in the Event, the Participant agrees for Against Gravity to the free use, including distribution, of his/her image, recorded during the Event with the use of image and sound recording devices, by publishing it, in whole or in fragments, on social media profiles (e.g. facebook, youtube) and websites of Against Gravity and entities cooperating with Against Gravity in the scope of fulfilling its statutory aims or publications, presentations, film materials and other types of information materials (also in printed and electronic versions) distributed by Against Gravity in relation to the organization of the MDAG 2025 Event or its information or promotional activities.
  5. In accordance with Article 13(1) and (2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (Official Journal of the EU L 119/1 of 04.05.2016), further referred to as "RODO", I inform you that:
    1. The Administrator of the Participants' personal data is Against Gravity with its registered office in Warsaw, ul. Bukowińska 26C / 12.
    2. The Administrator has appointed a Data Protection Officer; contact to the DPO:
    3. The Participant's personal data will be processed for the purposes of record keeping, preparation and organisation of the Event and, in case of personal data in the form of an image, for the purposes of information in the media and publications about the Administrator's activities - on the basis of Article 6(1)(a) RODO, i.e. the separate consent referred to above.
    4. The recipients of Participants' personal data will be entities entitled to obtain personal data on the basis of separate legal regulations, authorised employees/co-workers of the Administrator, providers of technical and organisational services, and entities to whom the Administrator has entrusted the processing of personal data – with all guarantees ensuring the security of the data transferred.
    5. The Participants' personal data in the form of an image will be transferred to third countries (outside the European Economic Area) for which the European Commission has issued an adequacy finding; in such cases, the data will be transferred in accordance with generally applicable laws with adequate safeguards, on the basis of standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission; the Participant may obtain a copy of the personal data transferred to the third country; other personal data will not be transferred to a recipient in a third country or an international organisation.
    6. Personal data shall be processed for the period necessary for the completion of the contract and until claims relating to the completion of the contract have expired, details of the processing period for personal data are included in the Privacy Policy.
    7. The Participant has the right to access the content of their data and the right to rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, the right to data portability, the right to object, to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out based on consent before its withdrawal.
    8. The Participant has the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority - the President of the Office for the Protection of Personal Data - in the event that the Administrator violates data protection regulations in the processing of personal data.
    9. The provision of personal data is voluntary, but necessary for participation in the Festival.
    10. 10.No automated decisions (without human involvement) will be made in relation to Participants, including their data not being subject to profiling.

13. Final Provisions

  1. The Event Organizer makes these Rules and Regulations and the Rules and Regulations of the Venue available to the Participants by posting the Rules and Regulations on, and at the entrances to the Festival cinemas and venues.
  2. During the Event, the Organizer and the Participants of the Event, as well as other persons staying at the Venue, are obliged to comply with the generally applicable law.
  3. The Organizer does not cover the costs of travel, parking or other costs resulting from the participation in the Event.
  4. The Organiser does not provide free drinks or meals. As part of the Event, it is possible to purchase drinks and meals in some cinemas.
  5. Entry to the Venue also signifies permission to use one's image in connection with the production, presentation, advertising or use of the film, video and audio recording of the Event.
  6. The governing law for all legal relations is Polish law.
  7. In matters not regulated in these Rules and Regulations and in the Rules and Regulations referred to herein, the provisions of generally applicable law shall apply;
  8. The content of the Rules and Regulations is subject to change. In the event of a change to the content of the Rules and Regulations, each Participant will be informed by the Organiser by posting a message about the change to the Rules and Regulations on the Organiser's website, containing a summary of the changes to the Rules and Regulations, and maintaining this information on the Festival's home page for at least 14 consecutive calendar days, and Participants who have an account with the Organiser will additionally be informed by the Organiser by sending information containing a summary of the changes to the Rules and Regulations to the e-mail address they indicated in the registration form.
  9. The Participant shall be informed of the change to the Rules and Regulations no later than 14 calendar days before the amended Rules and Regulations are introduced. If the Participant does not accept the new content of the Rules and Regulations, they are obliged to inform the Organiser of this fact within 14 days from the date of informing about the change of the Rules and Regulations.

Organiser of Millennium Docs Against Gravity FIlm Festival